Heritage Buildings

Heritage Buildings

Heritage Building Restoration Vancouver

Since the formation of Polycrete, structural restoration of heritage structures has been an important part of our work. Our skilled technicians frequently assist designers and architects with planning and completing restoration projects, developing innovative procedures that ensure success and durability of the work.

  • St. James’ Anglican Church, East Cordova Street, Vancouver. Restoration of ornate concrete mullions between windows, epoxy pressure injection of leaking cracks in walls.
  • English Bay Bathhouse, Vancouver. Rooftop deck concrete restoration and waterproofing. Epoxy pressure injection of cracks in reinforced concrete walls.
  • 16th Avenue and Granville Street, Vancouver. Shotcrete stabilization of masonry walls to meet current seismic design requirements.
  • Payne Hardware Building, North Vancouver. Pinning and shotcrete stabilization of masonry walls to meet current seismic design requirements.
  • Pier BC, Vancouver. Restoration of heritage pier structure for development of Canada Place and Pan Pacific Hotel. The work included repair of cracks in concrete piles using epoxy pressure injection and restoration of deteriorated concrete pile caps, deck sections and retaining walls using shotcrete.
  • Sinclair Centre, Vancouver. Epoxy pressure injection of cracks in reinforced concrete floor slabs and walls to restore structural integrity.
  • 610 Granville Street, Vancouver. Façade stabilization to incorporate existing structure into new building.
  • Vancouver Block building, 736 Granville Street, Vancouver
    Repair of deteriorated terracotta masonry units using epoxy injection
    Stabilization of clay brick masonry walls using shotcrete.
  • The Station, 601 Cordova Street, Vancouver. Leak repairs, masonry walls stabilization
  • Marine Building, Vancouver. Leak repairs, terracotta masonry unit repairs